Conflict: The site hasn't been published
If the website has not been published before, this error may occur.
Solution: Make sure to publish your website at least once for each domain (typically stage and production).
Conflict: Site is published to multiple domains at different times
Solution: Ensure all domains are synchronized and published with the same version.
Conflict: The collection structure changed since the last publish
If you have made changes to your collection after setting up the integration, the fields may have changed, which could prevent proper mapping.
Solution: Republish your Webflow website to all domains. In Menu -> Blog Sync Status, delete your current integration and create a new one in Menu -> Connect My Blog.
After issue resolution
After you resolve the problem, you should navigate to Menu -> Blog Sync Status and click the Force Sync button to synchronize your blog posts. Note that it's a slow operation and may take several minutes.